This blog is for everyone who wants to know me and the teachers news from Pinrang
Selasa, 01 September 2009
Pesantren Kilat SMP Negeri 4 Mattirosompe
Jumat, 29 Mei 2009
Syamsul Bahri, S.S.
(Guru SMPN 4 Mattirosompe-Pinrang Sulsel)
I. Introduction
Grammar is one of the important language elements. It can be called frame of sentences produced either through oral or written communication channel. In this paper, the writers will discuss briefly types of grammar test.
Some of the most common types of objective items used to identify the students’ ability in the case of grammar are noted as follows:
- Multiple choice form
- Error-recognition form
- Rearrangement form
- completion form
- transforming form
- form of the changing of words
- Broken sentence form
- pairing and matching form
- combination form
- addition form
These forms of the grammar test above emphasize on the ability to know correct form of the language. They are not connected with semantically view or other areas of language. For example, when a teacher has a student produce a sentence in the form of simple present tense, the student arranges an illogical sentence such as: “I am eating a book”. The sentence is not wrong according to grammatical form, but semantically it is bad sentence.
II. Discussion
In this session the writers note ten forms of grammar test which then discuss in detail one by one. Let discuss the ten forms of grammar test.
A. Multiple choice form
Designing test of multiple choice needs some considerations. Particularly, designer should consider the students ability by applying Bloom’s taxonomy level. Besides, construction of the test should obey the ethics of the test design.
Multiple choice test can be designed with a question, statement, or blank space, then followed with a choice of more than one options. The most common form of the options is constructed four or five options. Let see the following examples:
2 Mr. X always … a story.
A. read
B. reads
C. will read
D. is reading
3. Mr. X always B. reads a story.
C. will read
D. is reading
B. Error – Recognition Test
The main point of this test form is to measure the ability to identify either the true or error sentence. The following examples can guide us to construct this test form.
1. Reducing the length of the sentence and correcting the error.
Mr. X gives me two books and he also gives me a pen yesterday.
Mr. X gave me two books and a pen yesterday.
Mr. X … me two books and a pen yesterday.
a. give b. gave
C. Rearrangement Form
Rearrangement form is one of the text type which is constructed in the jumbled form, multiple choice, completion. Let see the following examples:
1. Correction arrangement of the sentence
You know how ….
A. it is B. is it
D. Completion Items
Carefully constructed completion items are a useful means of testing a student’s ability to produce acceptable and appropriate forms of language. They are frequently preferable to multiple choice items since they measure production rather that recognition, testing the ability to insert the most appropriate words in selected blanks in sentences. The words are selected for omission are grammatical or functional words (e.g. to, it, in, is, the): content words may be selected in a vocabulary or reading test.
Let study the following examples:
1. Completion form based on the students’ word
Can you see … the children playing
Kim usually goes to the cinema about once a week but she … four films already this month and it’s only the 20th today.
I go to the cinema regularly, but it’s ages since I last saw a play. I go to the cinema regularly, but I … to the theater for months.
I … to the theatre three times since I last saw you.
A. go C. had gone
B. have been D. went
It is useful for testing ability to produce structures. It can be constructed by using multiple choice form; completing sentence by giving some idea; and changing the sentences according to a given pattern or by using selected words.
This test is constructed by reducing text such as verb (tenses) and word building. Let see the following examples:
1. Verbs: tense, etc.
Researchers (1) to convince that a drug (1) ………………..
they (2) to test can improve the memory and that (2) ……………….
It (3) to be the forerunner of other drugs which (3) ……………….
Eventually (4) to improve mental ability (4) ……………….
Students who were given the drug for a fortnight did
Considerably (1. well) in tests than others. The tests (1) ………………
Included the (2. memorise) of lists of words as well (2) ……………...
as of (3. inform) from two messages transmitted at (3) ……………..
of the same time. During the first week there was no
(4. notice) difference between the two groups, but (4) ……………..
After a fortnight the group on the drug was found to
Have increased its (5. able) to learn by almost (5) ……………..
Twenty per cent.
This type of item tests the student’s ability to write full sentences from a series of words and phrases, and thus does not allow the test writer to concentrate exclusively on testing those particular grammatical features which may have just been practiced in class.
In the rubric, students should be instructed to make whatever changes are necessary to form good sentences, adding articles, prepositions, etc. Let see the following example:
Take/drugs and stimulants/keep awake/while revise examination/
often be very harmful. /It be far better/lead/balanced life/and get
enough sleep/every night. /There be limit degree and span/
concentration/which you be capable/exert. /Brain/need rest/as much
body. /Indeed, /it be quality/than quantity work/that be important.
The item is more useful for testing students’ sensitivity to appropriacy and their awareness of the functions of language rather than their knowledge of grammar (although grammatical clues may prove important in completing this item satisfactorily).
To perform the task required, students are simply required to write the letter of the correct response in the space provided.
Read the following example
Column 1 Letter Column 2
Going to see the film to night …….. A. Most are, I think
…….. B. Yes, I probably like
I. Combination and Addition Form
These objective test forms have long been used in the past tests. They should be used sparingly, however, as they involve largely mechanical responses on the part of the student. Notethat although the separate sentences are linked to another by theme, the items can hardly be described as being contextualized in any real way.
1. Combination form
Students are instructed to join each pair of sentences, using the word in brackets
You finish the paper. Then check your answers carefully. (AFTER)
Some questions may be very difficult. They should be left until later (WHICH)
2. Addition form
Students are instructed to join each pair of sentences, using the word in brackets.
(a) YET Have you answered all the questions?
(b) STILL Some students had not mastered to the correct techniques for
answering examination question.
III. Conclusion.
The previous explanations give us the knowledge to construct the grammatical test more clearly. The emphasis of these grammatical test cover in the form of the sentences, words, and phrases.
Senin, 25 Mei 2009
NIM. 56080501007
Abstract: This research was conducted to improve the IX-5 grade students’ ability in writing report genre by using mind-mapping strategy. The population of this research were the IX-5 students of SMP Negeri 17
The result of the research showed that there is good impact to the students’ achievement and ability in writing report genre through mind-mapping technique. In conclusion, mind-mapping technique is the most suitable strategy to improve the students’ ability in writing report genre.
Key Words: Mind-mapping, teaching writing, genre, report genre
Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009
ICARE Images Created by Mr. Syamsul Bahri, S.S.
ICARE Model was Presented by Mr. Syamsul Bahri
Introduction stage:
Mr. Syamsul gave the students jumbled letters, then he had them arrange those letters to be a correct word by putting the letter "A" at the beginning of the word and letter "T" at end of it.
Connection stage:
The students tried to understand main points of announcement given by Mr. Syamsul.
Reflection given to them was meant to know whether they understood the material.
Extention given to them was to get them to create a good announcement at home. Next meeting, their work would be collected. The best announcement would be stuck on the announcement board.
Kamis, 14 Mei 2009
PTK Bahasa Inggris SMP tentang ICARE Model
Applying ICARE Learning Model to Improve Students’ Achievement in Writing Short Functional Text
to the Seventh Grade of SMP N 18
Abstract: ICARE is an acronym for Introduction, Connect, Apply, Reflect, and Extend. This model basically develops either on- or off-line learning system and also applies module. In this research the writer did not apply online learning system but he took the current learning materials from in order to manipulate the situation to be more contextual. The interesting point done by the him; that is, he made an effort to apply technology based learning such as computer in order to enhance the students’ motivation in learning English. In turn, the student would get improvement in their achievement.
This research aims to know whether the application of ICARE learning model can improve students’ achievement in writing short functional text to 40 students of Grade VII.7 of SMPN 18
This research consists of two cycles, namely: cycle 1 and cycle 2. The average grade achieved by the students in the post-test was 64.71. Because the result did not reach the standardized grad (66.66), so the writer continued to the cycle 2. The result of the post-test in the cycle 2 indicates that the students’ average grade is 72.24. The learning process was successful.
In the end, the writer concludes that the ICARE learning model can develop the students’ achievement in writing short functional text.
Key word: ICARE learning mode.
Minggu, 29 Maret 2009
DBE3 Makassar Holds ToT for District Facilitator
DBE3 Makassar under the control of USAID America is holding Training of Trainer for District Facilitator at Pariwisata Hotel Parepare for 4 days from March 30th until April 2nd. This Training will be attended by trainers from 5 regencies. The regencies cover Kab. Pinrang, Sidrap, Makassar, Palopo, and Soppeng. This program is meant to develop the teachers' quality in applying modern teaching - learning model in order to gain the good outcome.
In this training, DBE3 - USAID presents some basic materials by applying ICARE model which emphasizes on facilitating method. The model consists of five steps of teaching-learning process. They are introduction, connection, application, reflection, and extension. The ICARE model is suitable with the Indonesian Curriculum. It can strengthen the schooling curriculum in Indonesia.
Rabu, 21 Januari 2009
Mengkreasi Materi Pembelajaran
Nah, yang perlu diketahu bagi para guru adalah mengkreasi materi pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kurikulum dan terjabarkan dalam rancangan pembelajaran. Karakteristik materi pembelajaran yang diharapkan adalah meteri ajar yang mampu mengembangkan potensi anak dalam mencapai kompetensi yang diharapkan dalam standar isi kurikulum. Disamping itu, materi yang dimaksudkan adalah materi yang mempu menciptakan suasana belajar yang efektif dan menyenangkan. (Short Suggestions for all teachers)
Key words: Genre, text,
*) The English Teacher of SMP Negeri 3 Mattiro Sompe –
In the curriculum applied in Indonesian school, language competences model that is used is based on the considerations of pedagogical model of language that has been expending since thirty years ago.
One of recent language curriculum models in the literature of language education which was introduced by Calce-Murcia, Dornyei, and Thurrell (1995) that language is communication, not only a set of rule. It means that model of language competences that is formulated is a model that can prepare learners to establish communication in the community of the language users. This model is usually called communicative competence.
According to Celce-Murcia et al. (1995) that the main competence in language education is discourse competence. It means that when someone is doing communication both written and spoken language, the one automatically involves discourse. The term of discourse itself , according to curriculum 2006, is a communication activity that is influenced by the topic communicated in a context culture. This discourse competence itself can be acquired by involving four supporting competences. They are linguistic, action, socio-cultural, and strategic competence. Therefore, the important point should be noted in the English teaching activity at high school in
Besides the five competences, there is a a language model views language as social semiotic (Halliday 1978). According to the curriculum 2006 that there are three important aspects considered when people think of language. They are context, text, and language.
Genre-based approaches, where teaching and learning focuses on the understanding and production of selected genres of texts, have been identified by Rodgers (2001) as a major trend in English language teaching (ELT) in the new millennium. Such approaches are, of course, not “new”. English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and English for Academic Purposes (EAP) are early examples, arising from pioneering Conference Proceedings: Task-based Learning in the Asian Context work in genre analysis by Swales (1981, 1990) and others. However, teaching and learning around text genres has become increasingly influential in mainstream ELT in a number of situations, including “primary, secondary, tertiary, professional and community teaching contexts” involving “native speakers of English as well as ESL and EFL learners”, and “in countries as diverse as Singapore, South Africa, USA, Italy, Hong Kong, Australia, UK, China, Canada, Sweden and Thailand” (Derewianka, 2003). Nevertheless, their influence in EFL in East Asian countries such as
related journals in the region indicates. For instance, between 2001 And the present, one finds Only one article (Kim & Kim, 2005).
This paper gives a brief overview of genre-based language teaching, and then
documents one initiative in extending it to the Indonesia EFL context.
lexico-grammar level that is particularly important in understanding how the different contexts of situation are realized in lexical and grammatical choices.
SFL pedagogy is grounded in the belief that learning to write should be based
On explicit awareness of language (Hyland, 2004; Hyon, 1996). As an attempt to provide a framework that will help explain genre use at all educational levels, SFL researchers characterize genres in terms of broad rhetorical patterns such as narratives, recounts, arguments, and expositions. In addition to specifying key genres that students are often asked to write, SFL researchers have also identified the purposes for communicating in each genre and the typical stages and linguistic features of these texts that can express these purposes. Furthermore, they employ analytical tools and frames from systemic functional linguistics to identify the discourse and grammatical structures needed to produce genres. By describing the typical features of valued genres, teachers can provide students with clear options for writing, both within and beyond the sentences, to help them create texts appropriate to readers (Hyland, 2004; Lin, 2006; Schleppegrell, 2004).
Genre-Based Approach
Genre-based approaches have varied theoretical bases in linguistics, such as Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) in North America (Mann & Thompson 1988), and Generic Structure Potential (GSP) theory in
To begin with, genre-based approaches begin with the whole text as the unit in focus rather than the sentence. The preoccupation is thus the creation of meaning at the level of discourse and not the acquisition of syntactical forms: "rather than dealing with discrete instances of language, there is recognition that meaning accumulates and evolves over a stretch of text" (Derewianka 2003). Here, a "text" refers to "a piece of language in use", which is a "harmonious collection of meanings appropriate to its context" and hence has "unity of purpose" (Butt et al. 2001:3). In other words, texts are stretches of language that may be considered complete in themselves as acts of social exchange. Length and mode of communication are immaterial: each text may be long or short, written or spoken. Thus, a brief exchange of greetings as two acquaintances pass each other is as much a text as is a 600-page novel.
Closely related to this, genre-based approaches are concerned with the social macro-purposes of language, and not just the semantic micro-functions of individual words and sentences: the genres in focus are generally defined according to the broad social purposes of communication. The classification and labeling of genres may vary, depending, among other things, on the theoretical influences behind each approach. For example, in some instances, writing genres are defined in terms of familiar broad categories such as 'Narratives', 'Description', 'Persuasion and Argumentation' and so on. Another approach, elaborated on later, makes a distinction between six or so text prototypes called text types, and more specific genres that employ each or combinations of these text types. Whatever the differences, categorization is based on what the discourse seeks to achieve or to do socially, for example, to tell a story ('Narratives' in many typologies) or to argue an opinion ('Argument' in some typologies, 'Exposition' in others).
Finally, the focus on whole texts implies recognition that there is a higher level of order and patterning in language than just the sentence - grammar at the level of discourse organization and meta-patterning of grammatical features. Genre-based approaches emphasize that this higher order must be attended to for effective language use: "all texts conform to certain conventions, and that if a student is to be successful in joining a particular English-language discourse community, the student will need to be able to produce texts which fulfill the expectations of its readers in regards to grammar, organization, and context" (Kim & Kim 2005, citing Muncie 2002). It must be noted that sentence-level grammar is not seen as unimportant: rather, its importance is seen in terms of the part it plays in the overall patterning of whole texts (e.g. what sorts of sentence patterns tend to pre-dominate in a particular genre). Indeed, close attention is paid to sentence- and word-level grammar in many current approaches, but without such grammar being treated separately from the business of communication, unlike in older grammar-focused approaches or in many forms of communicative language teaching. Thus, genre-based approaches can be seen as being at once both whole-to-part and part to whole.
Butt, D., Fahey, R., Feez, S., Spinks, S. & Yallop, C. (2000). Using functional
grammar: An explorer’s guide. Macquarie University: NCELTR
Derewianka, B. (1990). Exploring how texts work. NSW: Primary English Teaching
34(2), 133-54.
Halliday, M A K. (1994). An introduction to functional grammar. (2nd edition).
language in a social-semiotic perspective (2nd edition.).
3rd Edition.
___________. (2003). Second language writing.
process and the genre approach. Asian EFL Journal Quarterly, 7(2), 69-90.
Senin, 19 Januari 2009
Beban Kerja Guru
Ada kesan bahwa di kabupaten Pinrang terjadi ketidakpahaman aturan tentang perhitungan beban mengajar guru pada sebagian kalangan penentu kebijakan, baik dalam lingkup sekolah (kepala sekolah) maupun sebagian pengawas, menyebabkan guru menjerit. Atau memang mungkin mereka sengaja membuat aturannya sendiri untuk tidak menyenangkan guru-guru mereka. Boleh jadi atmosfir ini dilatarbelakngi oleh kecemburuan atas prestasi guru dalam memboyong predikat guru berkualifikasi.
Karena itu disarankan kepada mereka yang mempunyai power di sekolah-sekolah (khususnya di kabupaten Pinrang) untuk lebih mengkaji kebijakan-kebijakan pendidikan secara lebih seksama.
Khusus kepada kepala sekolah diharapkan menghargai tugas tambahan kerja guru. Contoh, wakil kepala sekolah dihargai 12 jam mengajar. Nah, untuk memenuhi 24 jam sebagai beban wajib mengajar, maka beban mengajar sisa 12 jam mengajar dalam bentuk tatap muka. Kalau hal ini tidak diberlakukan, maka seorang kepala sekolah akan dikenai juga mengajar (tatap muka) sebanyak 24 jam wajib mengajar. Sebab jabatan kepala sekolah tersebut merupakan tugas tambahan yang sama dengan wakil kepala sekolah, laboran, pustakawan dll. (Baca Pedoman Penghitungan Beban Mengajar Guru, yang diterbitkan oleh Dirjen PMPTK)
Minggu, 18 Januari 2009
Karebana DBE3 (DBE3 News)
Today, at least 20 English teachers of
The main delivered material for module 6 is English learning strategies; whereas, module 7 will discuss about authentic assessment. During this program run, three trainers are ready to facilitate the participants. They are Mr. Syahrir (the English trainer from SMPN 4 Pinrang), Mr. Rustan (the senior English teacher from SMPN 1 Leppangeng), and Mr. Rahman (the English trainer from SMPN 1 Pinrang). They have already prepared to deliver the materials of those modules. Plus, the very important person is Mr. Saiful Jihad (District Trainer of DBE3 in Pinrang) who will observe all activities of DBE3 in Pinrang.