Minggu, 29 Maret 2009

DBE3 Makassar Holds ToT for District Facilitator

Karebana DBE3, Monday (30/3)
DBE3 Makassar under the control of USAID America is holding Training of Trainer for District Facilitator at Pariwisata Hotel Parepare for 4 days from March 30th until April 2nd. This Training will be attended by trainers from 5 regencies. The regencies cover Kab. Pinrang, Sidrap, Makassar, Palopo, and Soppeng. This program is meant to develop the teachers' quality in applying modern teaching - learning model in order to gain the good outcome.
In this training, DBE3 - USAID presents some basic materials by applying ICARE model which emphasizes on facilitating method. The model consists of five steps of teaching-learning process. They are introduction, connection, application, reflection, and extension. The ICARE model is suitable with the Indonesian Curriculum. It can strengthen the schooling curriculum in Indonesia.

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